Monday 17 October 2011

Poster Ideas

My idea for this poster is to include a house from the area where our soap will be set belonging to one of the main characters. It reflects the wealth and glamorous lifestyle of the characters involved. It is simple yet effective as it will add a sense of mysteriousness and can entice people to want to watch the soap. I have included the soap name, channel and show times so it gives information to the audience as well. This poster is mostly visual.

My idea for this poster is to include the three bitchy girls from our soap posing against a nice background. It will give the potential viewer an insight into the types of characters they could expect to see in the soap. Also, how the characters would be dressed will show the glamorous and sophisticated theme of the soap opera. I have included a tag line at the bottom of the poster to make the audience question what they can expect to see in the soap and how problems still occur in high class lifestyles. The soap name, channel and show timings have also been included.

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